The deportation, in the administrative punishment, which is defined by the Immigration Control Act, says the forced it to dismiss from Japan foreigners staying in Japan.


  1. A person who has entered into Japan without possession of a valid passport, or immigration with a purpose to land in Japan without obtaining the permission of the landing from the examiner who went to Japan
  2. A person who has landed in Japan without obtaining the permission of the landing from the immigration officer
  3. A person who has been revoked the status of residence
  4. A person who has been revoked the status of residence, after the lapse of the period necessary to leave those who remain in Japan
  5. Illegally landing permission to other foreigners, change of status of residence permit, for the purpose of subjecting the update permission for period of stay, or forge documents, etc., exercise the counterfeit documents, etc., who have a loan, etc.
  6. The following persons in a foreign country nationals residing in Japan
    1. Who clearly seen when doing the activity or activities for which the alien receives reward to the management of business in violation of the prohibition of qualification outside activities
    3. It is not subject to update or change of the period of stay, after the lapse of the period of stay those who stay in Japan (overstaying)
    5. Who was human trafficking, etc
    7. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment in the crime of the passport law violation
    9. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment in the crime of the Immigration Control Act violations
    11. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment without work or a greater punishment in the crime of the Alien Registration Act violation
    13. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment with or without work boy in more than a long-term three years
    15. Who was convicted in a drug crime
    17. A person who has been sentenced to imprisonment or imprisonment exceeding its other indefinite or 1 year
    19. Persons engaged in direct relationship there is business to prostitution
    21. It helped those who are seduced or fueled the illegal landing and illegal immigration of other foreigners
    23. Attempted to be destroyed by the violence of the Constitution of Japan or the government, which was established under the, or this attempt or claim to formed a political party, etc. or this to those who are subscribed
    25. Or join formed a political party, etc. or in this listed below, or closely related person
      1. The reason that they are civil servants, political party which encourages assault added or be killed in the civil service, etc.
      3. Public facilities damaged illegally, or political party, etc. which encourages you to collapse
      5. Factory down the normal maintenance or operation of the facilities of the safety retention in the business delisted, or prevent such industrial action and political parties to encourage
  8. A person who has created and distributed and exhibition the documents and drawings in order to achieve the purpose of such as the above-mentioned parties
  9. Person who certified the Minister of Justice have committed an act detrimental to the interests or public security of Japan
  10. A person who stay with the status of residence of the short stay, in relation to the course and the results of such international competition that takes place in Japan, or with the purpose of interfering with its smooth implementation, to kill people illegally in the venue, etc., people assault was added to the threatened person, or a person who has damaged a building or any other person
  11. Conditions violators of permission for provisional landing
  12. A person who has been granted the relevant deportation order to denial of landing grounds, those who do not leave without delay
  13. A person who has been granted the permission for shore landing, those remaining after the lapse of permission period's in Japan
  14. A person who has been revoked multiple landing permission for crew, after the lapse of the period necessary to leave those who remain in Japan
  15. Who foreigners such as nationality was born person or in Japan withdrawal of Japan, to remain in Japan after the lapse of 60 days from the date of withdrawal, the birth of nationality without acquiring the status of residence
  16. Who even after the lapse of the deadline to leave the country in a person who has received a departure order to stay in Japan
  17. A person who has been revoked a departure order because it was in violation of the conditions attached to the time of departure order
  18. A person who has been revoked the recognition of refugee status

Deportation proceedings

Procedure of deportation is carried out in the flow of the violation investigation → accommodate → examination → hearing → objection of offers → of Hatsuzuke → deportation order of deportation order enforcement. Outlined below.

Flow of deportation proceedings

  1. Violation investigation

  2. Housing

  3. Examination

  4. Oral proceedings

  5. The objection filed

  6. Hatsuzuke of deportation order

  7. Enforcement of the deportation order