Education visa is a visa for the elementary school, junior high school, the language education and other education in high schools and institutions equivalent thereto.

Conditions that can be the acquisition of education visa

Necessary educational background and work experience

1, if engaged in activities that the applicant is the education about the various school or facility and the office of non-teaching staff in educational institutions of the case or other than these engaged in activities that the education in educational institutions equivalent thereto with respect to curriculum, the following any that are to be fulfilled.
However, an educational institution the applicant pursuant to this with respect to the various schools or equipment and curriculum, for the children to stay with the status of residence of "diplomacy" or "official" status of residence or "family stay", primary education or secondary education if engaged in activities that the education in the educational institutions, which was established for the purpose of applying the foreign language, be fulfilled.

A, that they have such a license in education and received a university graduated or this and equal to or higher than that of education, or intends it.

B, that you have taken the education of more than 12 years by the foreign language if you want to try of foreign language education, more than five years for the education of the subjects in the educational institution if you want to and to teach other subjects to have engaged in the work experience.


It must be remuneration and equal to or more than the amount to receive in case the Japanese engage.

Period of Stay

5 years, 3 years, 1 year, 3 months