Särskilda bestämmelser för nekad landning innebär att utländska medborgare som vistas i Japan med särskilt tillstånd för landning kommer att bli föremål för immigrationsinspektion varje gång de reser in i landet om de lämnar Japan och reser in i Japan igen under perioden för nekad landning. var några delar som var onödiga, eftersom de behövde granskas av en regeringstjänsteman, en särskild utredningsman och justitieministern.
För att eliminera slöseri, även om du redan har lämnat Japan, om det har gått en avsevärd tid sedan du lämnade Japan under ett utvisningsbeslut och du har erhållit ett behörighetsbevis eller ett visum, kommer justitieministern att system som gör att en immigrationsinspektör kan stämpla ett landningstillstånd om immigrationsinspektören bedömer att det är ett landningstillstånd.
Q&A (Quoted from the Ministry of Justice, Immigration Bureau)
- I heard that the handling of individuals subject to landing denial reasons has changed since 2010. How exactly has it changed?
- For instance, in the case of a foreign national in the landing denial period
due to a history of deportation, who marries a Japanese national in their
home country, even if the Minister of Justice grants special landing
permission considering various circumstances, upon re-entry into Japan, the
foreign national had to undergo a three-step process involving an
immigration inspector, a special examiner, and the Minister of Justice every
time, which wasn't always rational.
Now, even if there are specific reasons for denying landing to a foreign national under the Immigration Control Act, if the Minister of Justice deems it appropriate, the process has been simplified by allowing immigration inspectors to directly grant landing permission without having to go through the three-step process again. - I heard that those eligible for the exemption are specified by a Ministerial Ordinance. Who are eligible for this exemption, and are they informed?
- The exemption applies to those who fall under certain landing denial reasons
under Article 5 of the Immigration Control Act, specifically items 4, 5, 7,
9, or 9-2, and who have received re-entry permission, a Refugee Travel
Document, a Certificate of Eligibility, or a visa (only those consulted with
the Minister of Justice) after the Ministerial Ordinance revision on July 1.
These individuals will be notified by issuing a notice when deemed
appropriate by the Minister of Justice.
If a notice is issued, the individual won't be denied landing solely based on the reasons stated in the notice. However, they may still be denied landing if they fall under other landing denial reasons.